Molecular Mechanisms Laboratory
Understanding Protein Structure, Dynamics, and Function
Lab Culture
Presented here is a statement of public expectations designed to ensure that both current and potential members of our laboratory are fully aware of our core principles and the prerequisites for achieving success.
What you can expect from me
You can expect me to do all in my power to find and create opportunities for you that will help you achieve your career goals. Your achievements are important to me.
You can expect me to push you beyond your comfort zone and in the direction of increased independence.
You can expect to meet with me regularly to discuss experiments and future goals.
You can expect me to help you understand experimental results, make decisions about future experiments and activities, and prioritize those tasks. I'll aim to influence your thinking rather than do it for you, so you may become more self-sufficient.
You can expect me to go over your professional development plan with you at least once a year to make sure you're on track and to help you overcome any obstacles. These sessions are intended to assess your progress and create goals for the future year.
You can expect me to help you prepare papers and grants, and edit mature drafts of written work.
You can expect me to send you to at least one national or specialized conference per year (ideally more if we can afford it or if you can get your own funding).
What I expect from you
I expect you to follow all lab safety rules, maintain your physical and mental health, and not work while you are unwell or under the influence of medication that can impair your ability to work properly. Your health and safety come first, then your research.
I expect you to keep up-to-date on your MUSC safety training and mandatories.
I expect you to show respect to all of your lab colleagues, regardless of their professional level or experience. Each person is an important member of our team from whom we may learn.
I expect you to work with the highest level of scientific integrity. Never manipulate data or plagiarize written material (even if it is your own). Ignorance is not an excuse for data falsification, manipulation, or plagiarism.
I expect you to keep a written record of your experiments in your laboratory notebook, which should be updated as you work but no less often than once per week.
I expect you to attend all laboratory and weekly one-on-one meetings. If you are unable to attend one, please notify me in advance. Experiments should be planned around these events.
I expect you to be present in the lab for the majority of the hours between 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., as that is when most lab activities and collaborative discussions take place. The rest of your working hours can be scheduled whenever you like, which is a welcome convenience! Resist the impulse to compare your work schedule to that of others in the lab because the expectations for each career level and scenario are different. Work hard but be kind to yourself. There will be times when you must strain hard to fulfill deadlines/goals, and other times when you must simply rest, slow down, and contemplate. You are not expected to work more than a 40-hour week on a regular basis.
I expect you to notify me in advance of any days missed in full. If you need to take time off for personal reasons or are unwell, please notify me as soon as possible.
I expect students and postdocs to seek funding options and submit for any relevant/eligible external funding (including travel grants). Please notify me of any submissions you intend to make in advance.
I expect you to create/revise your Professional Development Plan and discuss it with me once a year and offer input on how I can help you better.
Adapted from